Monday, March 30, 2015

Spring Is Here!!

We celebrated the beautiful weather this past week by taking a bike trip to the library. The light rain didn't stop us, and we had a wonderful time!

The kids have been picking flowers all around the yard (and a few from the neighbors - I'm trying to discourage that :) Most have pretty short stems but we are finding ways to enjoy them!

After our sunday evening stroll all changed into pajamas while Mama put the new flowers we picked in many small vases and bowls.

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Happy Pi Day! and Other Adventures

Enoch had a great time calculating the circumference of several household 
objects using pi in honor of pi day.

Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwiches are the girls favorite, but this past week we decided to get a little more creative and aesthetic with the way we served them. We used craisins for eyes. . . any suggestions for making the antennae and proboscis?

Yesterday we took the kids Bunny Hill Skiing at Brighton - a great local resort where kids 7 and under ski free and bunny hill passes are a deal! We are super grateful that my sister Lisa and her friend Eric came along to help with the kids and we all had a great time. By the end of the day even Sarah was able to ski independently.

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

January - Pinewood Derby Winner

Enoch and Papa worked hard on this Pinewood Derby Car together with an experienced and kind brother from our ward. (Thanks Brother Warren!) The three of them designed it, cut it out, sanded it, buffed the wheels and wheelwells and polished the axels. Enoch hand painted and shellacked it and dubbed it the "Flaming Speedster". We were all excited and surprised when he took first at the Troops Pine Wood Derby (1/27).