Saturday, December 3, 2011

Thanksgiving I

We had a great time on Thanksgiving: grandpa was out of town, so we rescheduled our Turkey day/meal and took the day off. We went to Enchanted Rock, and the boys loved bouldering up, in hot pursuit of the source of the little stream that comes down the side. Sarah enjoyed walking in the smooth parts, and riding in the steeper ones. She got many envious comments from tired climbers returning to the base. We started going down the back under the boulders/ through the caves, but after Zacharias miraculously caught himself, preventing a bad fall, we decided we’d pushed far enough and went back. We thought we’d be the only ones there, but the parking lot was full, and it was a peculiar sense of belonging to know that we had all chosen to spend the holiday outside on top of the rock. The weather was perfect! On the way back, we passed an amazing elk in a pasture, and then went on to Fredericksburg, which was done up beautifully for the holidays.